Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Play Us A Song!!

One of my favorite things at Gam and Granddad's house is the piano. The kids love to play it, and I love to listen to it. Here are Caleb and Ben having some fun. And mommy in the back having even more fun!!! :O)

Monday, January 11, 2010

Where have you been???

It has been a VERY long time. I know. I feel like November and December haven't even happened yet. I still can't believe it is January. We have had a lot going on and the time has flown. I guess I should start with a Steve update. So, as most of you probably already know, Steve's appendix ruptured in the beginning of November. He was in and out of the hospital for about 3 weeks. But, he was able to come home in time for Thanksgiving. We have had a wonderful holiday season. It was fast and fun. Steve has probably been doing too much. He is still having quite a bit of pain and had to go back into the hospital last week. He only had to stay one night. We are now waiting to get him in with a specialist at the Mayo Clinic. Hopefully, we can find out why he this is lasting so long. I will update on him when we learn more.

In the meantime, Steve is trying his best to enjoy his family. He is trying really hard to stay a part of the group. We have been really busy. To start off or holidays this year, Grandma Paula and Grandpa Michael brought all of their grand kids and their parents to the North Pole on the Polar Express. It was so fun!! You catch the Polar Express at the Grand Canyon Railway. It takes you up to the North Pole where Santa boards the train and comes to see all of the children in the train. You get to sing songs and drink hot chocolate. They bring you yummy cookies and read the Polar Express to the passengers. It was definitely the highlight of this season for me. We all had a great time.

Grandma and grandpa with ALL of their grand kids!!
It was snowing when we got there. Brrrr....

Benny had SOOOO much fun on the train. I was amazed that he was in such a good mood. He is usually asleep by the this time. Maybe it had something to do with the TWO big chocolate chip cookies that he ate!! ;o)

Yeah....that would be cookie #2!!

These two were even singing Christmas carols. Ok...Caleb wasn't, but Steve was. And he is the biggest Scrooge I know.

Of course she sang. And she was all smiles, as usual. This is the easiest girl to please!

Again with all the grand kids. (and random guy in the back)

Benny was not afraid of Santa at all. Here he is giving Santa a fist bump! He gave him a high five, too!
Santa gave all the kids big round sleigh bells. Those were a hit with the Benny boy, too. The whole trip was. I highly recommend it to anyone who has kids. It is so much fun and great way to get into the Christmas spirit. I hope to go again this year. Anyone want to come? The hotel is right in the same square as the train depot. It was so funny to walk down the hallway and watch all the families come out of one door and go into another. There were a lot of big groups. And the sounds of screaming children fill the halls at all times, day and night. :O) I think it is a fun place to meet and enjoy family and friends. If anyone is interested, talk to me!!! It sounds weird, but if you want to go on a weekend, you actually have to get tickets in July when they first go on sale, or they sell out. anyway, just a thought. I shall move on now. :O)

The whole square is decorated with lights. It was so pretty.

And what would any event be without the self portrait of Kennedy?

We tried and tried to get a good shot with Ben to have a good Christmas card to send. We spent A LOT of time. He was done cooperating. And then, I ran of time anyway. I never sent out Christmas cards..... :o(

For the actual holiday, we went home to California to be with our families. We didn't have nearly enough time with any of them. But, we had fun.
Caleb's Christmas present was a trip to Magic Mountain. Aunt Becky and I took him. We had a really good time. Well, I did. I forgot how much I love roller coasters. Becky and Caleb...not so much......But, we had a great time together.

Funnel Cake!!

That's Superman the ride back there. Both Becky and Caleb refused to go o it.
So, we walked passed it on our way to our first ride of the day. Colossus!!! Becky and I reminisced the whole time about being in that line as kids and going on the ride and how much fun it is. Yeah, well as the ride was pulling back into the station, Becky and Caleb pretty much decided they were ready to call it a day. WHAT!?!?!? I don''t think so!!! I made them continue on. Becky let us talk her into a few more rides, but there were some that she just wouldn't go near. Who knew I was going to Magic Mountain with such pretty flowers? ;o)
Caleb actually didn't refuse ALL rides. But, he did make a pretty good effort to decline Tatsu. We were on or way to Ninja when I saw it. I have never seen or even heard of it. It lays you flat like you are flying. I HAD to go on it. The other two said NO WAY. But, after some constant coaxing, (a little of the good ole Italian guilt trip) I was able to get Caleb on it. It was amazing!!! I loved. Caleb even had fun on it. He now says that he would do it again. WooHoo!!!

We were able to get Aunt Becky on the Goldrusher! It was a really fun day.

The rides didn't end there. Grandma Jenie and Papa Paul let us take their golf cart out for some Christmas light viewing. Benny had fun driving. He almost took us up a few curbs. :O)

Another self portrait!

This is at the bowling alley on chili night. What t is he up to with is aunties?

And now we are back in Arizona.
Just driving tractors

Petting goats

And working in the yard with Dad.

He is a happy camper when he is outside!

That's all for now. See ya later!!